954-305-1725 The guests at your 💃🏼🎈🕺🏽🎉#Party or in Southeast Florida between and will 🏌🏽‍♂️ Love to take home a traditional or drawing by professional 👨🏻‍🎨🎨#CaricatureArtist Jeff Sterling!

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Sandra and other attended a in the Town of They also booked cartoon style by Jeff Sterling. For availability between and 954-305-1725

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Stephanie is a Manager. She attended a in Entertainment included portrait style by Jeff Sterling from

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Do you own, or are a big part of, a successful company? What are your annual corporate events or parties like?? Dull??? We have the remedy. James R Hahn LIVE PAINTING EXHIBITIONS. Custom art & murals for your offices!

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12 stories of events gone wrong and lessons learned. Click here to get all 12 stories

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January is almost over!! Beat January blues with ‘Blue Magic’ Available now in our Greenwich Gallery.
Mixed Media. 28x36cm

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