made by

vampire count dooku from my AU

commission request made by me .

7 18




0 3

スチームパンク風 ドゥークー伯爵
Steampunk style Count Dooku

0 3

Attack of the cute cats!
Master Dooku and padawan Qui

1 15

I’m sure we all remember when Maul threw the greatest shade of all time. The victim? Count Dooku.

9 43

Darth Tyrannusaur (Now vs. Then) ••• Every so often I revisit an idea which is a good idea but I can’t quite make my hands re-create that idea at that time...

0 4

Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala and Count Dooku by Paolo Rivera

3 19

I drawed a Star War. Been rewatching Clone Wars and doodles this guy

0 5

27 мая - день рождения британского актера сэра Кристофера Ли, сыгравшего роль графа Дуку

7 32