There's a podcast I listen to where they use Dragalge as an example of a "nothing" Pokemon but I love it. Also a fan of Crawdaunt and Druddigon but idk if they're unpopular

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Sinceramente mi tipo favorito es el tipo siniestro xd.
Iba añadir a Crawdaunt, pero tampoco queria dejar abandonado a Toxtricity

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Abyssal Guillotine, water/dragon
This guy turned out real nice 😎

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Iron Vice, dark/steel
I got some discord help so there's a lot more fake paradoxes coming!

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New for the Yugambeh Region

Corefollow: Water (have a Corefish in your party as you evolve your Crawdaunt)

They act like white and black mages. They're very powerful special attackers, with moves/abilities for stat buffs and health regens.

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New for the Yugambeh Region

Crawking: Water/Dark type (Evolve Crawdaunt by using Dark Dive 20 times)

Crawkings abandon their Sharpedo camouflage and dominate the ocean floors with their power.

Crawking lead small armies of Corefish and Crawdaunts.

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✨ Evolución de Crawdaunt ✨

Espero que les guste este diseño tanto como a mí 💙

Dejen sus ❤️ y 🔃 para apoyar

Recuerden que pueden entrar en mi Patreon y ver arte exclusivo. Link:

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Man corphish and crawdaunts gen 4 sprites look so out of place with the rest of the game because they use the gen 3 shading style for some reason. Got fixed for gen 5 at least.

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342 - Crawdaunt
Type: Water / Dark

Abilities: Hyper-cutter, Shell-armor, Adaptability

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342 - Crawdaunt
Type: Water / Dark

Abilities: Hyper-cutter, Shell-armor, Adaptability

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Here are some Sygna Suit designs for Sidney and Phoebe based on Crawdaunt and Sableye! 🦀💎

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I’ve underrated Crawdaunt as a Pokemon for too long it’s actually sick af

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342 - Crawdaunt
Type: Water / Dark

Abilities: Hyper-cutter, Shell-armor, Adaptability

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All Pokémon sit.

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So with only a couple months away I'd like to ask everyone what is your favorite pokemon from every generation? Mine are
Gen 1: Dodrio
Gen 2: Larvitar
Gen 3: Crawdaunt
Gen 4: Froslass
Gen 5: Zoroark
Gen 6: Fennekin
Gen 7: Salazzle
Gen 8: Perrserker

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