Oh! Hello My name's Gin and I'm a trans man who has been drawing for years and crafting things for the furry fandom since 2018 :) I mainly draw robots and Anthro animals; for crafting I have my hands in a bit of everything, but I really love doing collars~

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I'm Victoria, a black autistic creator who loves making comics featuring my OCs and other things I enjoy!!

(Thanks for making this tag)

28 49

Hi!! I'm Prince and I'm trans masc and

I have a passion for all things spooky, video games, and writing. I'm currently an art student studying for a degree in game design and digital art!

13 16

hello hello hello 🍟🍔🧃
i'm nille/soup nd i have a lowkey obsession w making everything bright nd colorful bc itsbasically free brain stims HMM!
my mainspecial interest is mylittle pony nd it shows hehehe

8 23

hi, i’m charles, and i’m 💛 i’m really, really glad to see this tag!

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