Graphic comm (+draft) I created for 's upcoming fundraiser donothon starting on 📌 February 18th

I will be making a guest appearance on that stream too!! With a game involving blocks, and creepers... :)

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im so mad at myself...
i built a little ladder above on the hill connecting to my home...i went up for wood i looked around saw 0 creepers...I hear one somewhere and held up my shield and...i couldnt figure out what direction it was in...

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Wh-???? Yeah I do!? Heck even a while back I suggested biome diverse creepers.
Like-- I LOVE Minecraft.
I have a very rich worldau too.
(I'm just a bit more reluctant to share it nowadays)

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Time for some more Hardcore shenanigans! Think you can kill me? Come try, I have even added a new extension that allows you to spawn in Creepers..

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drawing minecraft mobs with twists, part 2/? - spore blossom/ pig inspired creepers. Feel free to comment more combination ideas!

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Globsters were Veltro terrorists who were infected with t-Abyss virus and for some reason did not became the regular Ooze,perhaps it has something to do with special chromosomes like the Sea Creepers.

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The Desert Rats in North Africa in improvised their uniform to contend with the temp extremes of the desert: buying kufiyah scarves from Cairo bazaars to protect faces from dust, Aertex shirts, sand goggles & crepe-soled shoes, nicknamed Brothelcreepers. More in

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Buscando diamante, encontrando creepers.

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Welcome to Tuesday, creepers. Hope you’re having a better day than Syd Kiowa! Butcher Queen is out now from !

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...more like Byecraft.

.........I don't like creepers.

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For me it was Children of the Corn and anything Jeepers Creepers. That monster in that corn field hunting those hs students was terrifying!!!!! Probably not the gif but I can’t remember the name of the movie!

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I like makin’ creepers. Contact -

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Creepers...Aw man...

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Hey, Twitter! It’s and I’ve *just finished* making a slate ‘cliff’ mount for this pair of Wallcreepers... I’m not usually a fan of pink, but they have been moping on the wall begging for backlighting since I made them er... several months ago...

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