Critical role charakters dressed in costumes😊
Jester as a fairy
Mollymauk as a prince
Vex'ahlia as a devil
Yasha as a witch.

Bonus point who can guess where jesters dress came from😉

6 15

Idk what to call this? Critober or something maybe?
Anyways its Torq

6 44

Stay home (if you can) and wash your hands. It's what Pike Trickfoot would want you to do. ❤

Fique em casa se puder e lave as mãos. É o que a Pike Trickfoot gostaria que você fizesse ❤

4 19

Another inktober/critober finally colored up! Here is Kashaw and Zahra having some down time at the Slayers Take. I will have prints available

15 38

i was gonna do gore / elecritober but i was busy so just for arsenic's birthday (today), here he is, soME GUYS JUST CAN'T HOLD THEIR ARSENIC

7 9

heyyy where the ladies at!!!

9 23

some more i forgot to post! de rolos, science villains, and naps.

3 18

getting a lil late, so here's the next three doodles! tune in next time to see if i manage to sneak vesh in again eh

4 9