of one my older series, I miss painting... T^T
As you can see a lot of the small details didn't make it into the final, I had to simplify a lot in order to avoid overcrowding 🍰

99 573

HAA! I finally finished it @.@ This was a battle since I am clueless when it comes to environments but here it is! My critter cube is the study of a stargazing harp seal pup!

79 359

🐟🍣🥢 Sushi-ya 🥢🍣🐟

I craved sushi so much painting this T^T

I'll be making these into keychain/standees, you can pre-order them from my shop tonight! Half the profits will go to WWF to support conservation efforts, since that's what this series is about ❤️🌿

650 1886

🍵🌿🍑 Teahouse 🍑🌿🍵

7/8, nearly done with Vol.1!✨

261 985

🍰🥧🍓 Patisserie 🍓🥧🍰

I have missed drawing sweets so much 💕 It's a Piping Plover...get it... hahaha sorry this was too punny an opportunity to miss 😂 These birds help keep beaches clean by eating insects and other pests!

863 2422

🍦🍧🍒 Creamery 🍒🍧🍦

Reaaaally tiny animation this time! (*˙˘˙*) My cousin used to work at an ice cream shop, and she says that this is 14/10 very accurate behaviour 🍨

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