Hoy un crocodine para pedirle a que nos doblen al castellano el remake de y si lo dirige y el estudio mucho mejor XD

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Dunno if he's too complicated, but the first character that came to mind was Crocodine from the Dragon Quest anime/manga

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Bifrost the Crocoroid from Mega Man ZX Advent shares the same Japanese voice actor (Banjō Ginga) with another crocodilian being known as Crocodine from the 1991 Dragon Quest: Adventures of Dai anime adaptation.

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No es un secreto de que mis personajes favoritos son Pop y Crocodine ( no me hagais elegir entre los dos) ,hay que decir que gracias a la continuacion del anime muchos han visto la gran evolucion de dicho mago y ha ganado merecidamente mas popularidad XDXD

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En nada esta emulando el Aban Strash ( el tall de l´Ivan ) ,un servidor con gripe sufriendo al unisono con Crocodine ( de mis personajes favoritos) y comprando el manga e indignandome por el cambio de colores ¿Crocodine verde...?

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DRAGON QUEST is now airing on the BBC with an absolutely stellar cast & I have the great privilege of voicing the handsome and charming…

More info to come, so stay tuned!

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Im absolutely lovin the anime remake, so I made my 3 fav characters: and

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Urasawa y el spin off en forma de portada sobre la nueva vida de Crocodine como detective Privado

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BoraCroc (Sample)
again the sexy Crocodine and this time with Baran the Dai's dad from Dragon Quest: Dai Daibouken

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Ya tenia ganas de dibujar a crocodine con su nuevo “juguete”,con ganas de que llegue Marzo y de tener en mis manos el manga “del flai” de

8 29

Top 3 Summons based on your likes across my various accounts for this year:
Yugo Ogami
Fox McCloud

10 37

Kaiman from Dorohedoro
Renekton Life-guard from League Of Legends
Crocodine from Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai
Doctor from Odd Taxi

You already have content to add, I hope it serves you, nice to meet you 🥰🥰🐊

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Boss daddy 🚨
Butler minotaur 🥂
Space crocodine 🪐

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