My oc tarnished Miruku and godskin apostle slim.
meet finger reader crone.

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Happy International Women’s Day to my Maiden, Mother, and Crone. 💜💜💜

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Day 23 . Today we have The Crone. I think this is a bit of a favourite of mine but the original will be available to buy at some point. She's A4, painted in watercolour and wise😉.

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Cerberus sat attentive, as the unusual little girl was inspected; touching her face, hair, and skin… “You do not belong here!” Cackled theThe Waning Crone.

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Castlevania: Sypha. I chose the Celtic Knot for her design because it encapsulates her growth. The maiden, the mother, and finally the crone.

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Inktober Day 13 - Kind

The Kindly Ones. Mother, maiden, crone. The Fates, the Eumenides.
Just don't call them the Furies

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Yamauba or "Mountain Hag" 山姥 These are Yokai that appear as a monstrous crone. Her hair is long and unkempt and golden white. She wears a filthy, tattered kimono and she has veracious, cannibalistic tendencies.

80% Sold out 👇🔽

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I bought this super rare Sircrone.

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The Triple Hekate, William Blake, 1795. Hekate, the Goddess of the Crossroads, Maiden, Mother, Crone. Dog, Snake and Horse. Hekate pitied Queen Hecuba who drowned herself after the Fall of Troy, resurrecting her as a pet black she-dog, free of all memory of grief

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Cartoon: Maiden, Mother and Crone. I don't usually start drawing Hallowe'enie stuff until August but here they are anyhow :) Enjoy!

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Baldr was trapped in Hel because one soul chose not to weep for him: Loki, disguised as a crone. Yet he will escape, once Hel is emptied for battle at Ragnarok: he will gather the surviving gods and humans and rebuild the worlds.

🖼: residentsmooth

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I saw three swans upon the water; they reminded me of the Holy Three, the Blesséd Trinity: Maiden, Mother and Crone.
I am not alone! The One that is Three abides with me!

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Comic book publishers like EC and Charlton have had many horror hosts, but DC has really staked out this idea. Cain and Abel are sort of the First Family of horror hosts for DC, but others include The Three Witches: Youthful, Motherly and Old Crone.

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is called the 'Dark Mother of the Woods' & is sacred to the 3rd phase of the the Known as Morrígan or Caillech or Beira, ‘Goddess of Winter’—the waning of life, waning year, and waning moon. 🍂🌗🌘🌒🌒🦉#FolkloreThursday

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"The Morrigan appears in many stories as a trio of goddesses taking the image of maiden, mother and crone.
The Celts believed that when a battle began, the Morrigan flew above them in the form of a raven and his cry brang courage to the warriors and terror to the enemy."

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27 - The statue in the courtyard is a representation of the Triple Goddess, the witchcraft pagan goddess of the moon, the earth and fertility. Each of her aspects represents a moon phase and of woman's life, Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Her symbol appears on the teachers clothing.

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Hecate- Greek Goddess of Necromancy and Crossroads

A triple goddess representing the cycle of life: The maiden, the mother, and the crone. She's my favorite goddess of all time in any pantheon. Is she your favorite?

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Our Ancient Goddess Hecate was a goddess of crossroads.

Hecate’s Wheel symbolizes the 3 stages of womanhood: Maiden, Mother and Crone. The Wheel symbolizes these phases with a Labyrinth, representing the power & knowledge in moving through life.

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