I did my own version of the DA YCH I put out recently. Includes my OC Raina and Cullen. ko-fi link in replies

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"I will come back, Cullen. I swear it."
"How can you be sure?"
"Because I must."
Based on NC Wyeth's 'Tristram and Isolde'

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And Blue Beetle by Paris Cullen. Kind of ironic since this version of Blue Beetle is a Steve Ditko creation (Blue Beetle and Spidey are probably my two favorite superheroes)

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ok sorry halamshiral looks for La'ara and Cullen. i ignore the nutcracker uniforms. i defy them.

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Dria Cousland and Cullen. From one of my fics. Done by the wonderful

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“Well, if it isn’t Cullen. The Knight Captain title is no longer your thing, then?” Perceval couldn’t help but joke. Cullen spluttered a little, red coming back to his face and ears, and he absentmindedly touched his lip.

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14. The death of Doctor Strange: Elsa Bloodstone

Siempre es bueno ver a mi cazadora de monstruos favorita. Este one-shot sirve perfectamente como punto de entrada a quien no la conozca a ella y Cullen. Además nos presentan a un nuevo miembro de la familia.

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I'm home.
Illustration by Phillip Cullen.

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We have three unreleased so far. Hecate, Amaterasu, and Cullen. Dunno when they're gonna be pullable but they are there.

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Here is Diana, my sweet, romantic and determined inquisitor. She is 30 years old, she is madly in love with Commander Cullen. With her kind ways she always manages to get what she wants she even managed to make Cullen dress up as a Lion https://t.co/fLagGHEF84

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Lady Inquisitor, Clan Lavellan's Second, Kethryllia Lavellan-Rutherford. The firestarter and problem solver herself. Post Trespasser she had Dagna make her a prosthetic arm before she disappeared into the Hinterlands with Cullen.

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Who better to defend Earth from magical invaders than monster hunter ELSA BLOODSTONE?! Elsa is the best there is at what she does — tough, skilled and clever enough to handle any problem…except her brother, CULLEN.

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Day 2 || Hope || The Blight is gone, and so is Cullen. ||

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Edward Cullen. Our DRAMATIC Gemini KING. His favorite sport is stirring the pot.

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This is Cullen. His parents were bad people and one day someone they wronged decided to get revenge and cast them a curse. Cullen was still in the egg back then but he got caught in the curse. His magic is highly unstable and at times he turns into an uncontrollable 'bane' form.

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i absolutely LOVE this comm i got of my inquisitor and cullen. thank you so much . 🥺 your art is always so good.

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Ophillia Trevelyan, or as dubbed by her peers, the Lioness (because of her hair mostly) Dragon Age Inquisition, Two Handed Warrior Inquisitor. Romancing Cullen.

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