Did you know... when I come into contact with certain accessories, my personality changes? ✨

¿Sabías que... cuando entro en contacto con ciertos accesorios, mi personalidad cambia? ✨

4 48

Which hairstyles do I hate? None really 🤔. I love drawing braids and ringlets - nonetheless, I don't think I'd be able to draw curly hair or dreadlocks because it's too hard for me. Maybe one day I'll try it in a model 😎✨

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Is there a winter Moshie❄ and a summer Moshie☀ ? - Yeah! My character has multiple outfits that will unlock as seasons go by! There are also alt outfits that are linked to my lore and special events, so stay tuned to my channel!✨

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Did you know... that yogor (yoghurt) is my favorite snack? 🥛
So much, it's my official channel currency 👀

¿Sabías que... el yogor es mi aperitivo favorito? 🥛
Tanto, que es mi moneda oficial del canal 👀

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Have i ever gotten drunk? - once, but it was so embarrassing. 💀

¿Me he emborrachado alguna vez? - Una vez, pero fue muy embarazoso. 💀

4 35

Did you know... my ahoge has self awareness?✨ It's a mysterious being with many unrevealed secrets 🤫

¿Sabias que… el pelillo tiene conciencia propia?✨, resulta ser una entidad muy misteriosa y con muchos secretos~ 🤫

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Did you know... my appearance changes according to lunar phases? 🌗🌘🌑

¿Sabias que… mi aspecto sufre cambios debido a determinados ciclos lunares? 🌗🌘🌑

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Which fabric is my clothing made of? - Most of it it's wool 🧶, except my tights and skirt, which are cotton... and you can't really see it but I have smol shorts underneath for windy days~👉👈

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Did you know... my boots have paws on their soles? 🐾✨

¿Sabias que… mis botas tienen huellas en la suela? 🐾✨

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👀 Did you know... my new model has lower fangs?~ 🦷✨

👀 ¿Sabias que…mi nuevo modelo posee colmillitos inferiores?~ 🦷✨

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What was my source of inspiration for the redesign? - No one, i just wanted to look more mature and true to myself in a new model but keeping the same essence 😊✨

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Did you know... that my new model is being rigged by a new team member at moshie studio? 👀⁉

¿Sabías que… mi nuevo modelo está siendo riggeado por un nuevo miembro de Moshie Studio? 👀⁉

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I've decided to create a new section called "curioushie" so you can get to know me better👀 if you have any questions make sure to reply to this tweet with them✨

Did you know... that my sweater features bat wings?🦇

¿Sabías que…mi jersey tiene alas de murciélago?

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