Curlews in the park: we keep hoping...... Curves for Curlew: Identifying Curlew breeding status from GPS tracking data ...... (image: BHL)

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Mucking about in mud at Middlehaven - curlews and redshanks feeding whilst herring gulls take a break from mussel hunting - quick lunch-hour sketch with colour added later

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Breton fisherfolk believed when someone died at sea, gulls and curlews would beat their wings against the dead one's windows...

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red is definitely a red cardinal attempt
the wall eyed one is meant to be an owl but looks like a hawk
fat blue one (ironically the fastest) is probably a dove? though I was looking at kookaburra pics.
yellow is my own invention but I was looking at australian curlews.

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Really glad to hear that, dear Vera! And I do love curlews!

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The wind is hard from the west,
a skein of voices in it, thin but clear
as curlews’. Their songs’ rising
crests the brown moor and flies.

Kinder Downfall, 24 April 1932 |
Kinder Downfall |

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21 April is "...a day to champion the awesomeness of curlews & draw attention to the threats which face them." Having just released a kids' book about curlews, I'm holding a giveaway (announced yesterday). The winner is...


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It was Wader Conservation World Watch event this past weekend. November is not the best period shorebird-wise in Hungary, so it was pleasing to find good numbers of Lapwings and Curlews in my favourite area in Kiskunság National Park. Here are a few sketches I made.

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Curlews in the park: we keep hoping........ curlew cam, from Curlew Country .........

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- let's hear it for & for the people doing their best to protect these beautiful birds & raise awareness of their plight and the imperative to care better for the living world.
This morning: watching our locals & spotting nests

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Sketchbook curlews, playing with simple tools-pencil and wash. No doubt Twitter will crop weirdly so please click to see them!

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More framed original paintings now added to my website; Curlews in frost, Greenland Wheatears, Curlew Sandpipers and Dunlins, Long-eared Owl fledglings

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Curlews preening amongst samphire - forgive this series of field sketches being a bit similar but I'm enjoying trying to suss out all the different postitions that the preening birds get themselves into

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5 August was a bogey date for the English in the Curlews. 1603 Lord Dunkellin took a hammering 'the vanguard whereof...showed their backs [turned & ran] the example whereof stroke such a terror in the rest as by all the force we could use we cold not hold our forces from running'

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I did a quick draw of one of my player's pets. I call these Opal Curlews (they're really similar to the Pearl Curlews found one Faerûn)

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'The wind is hard from the west,
a skein of voices in it, thin but clear
as curlews’. Their songs’ rising
crests the brown moor and flies.'

Kinder Downfall, 24 April 1932 |
Kinder Downfall |

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Happy National Curlew Day. Here are four of the five curlews we have in Ragleth Gallery ; sadly about the same number as are in the hills around Church Stretton.

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This is lovely curlew squadron flying over the hills is hopefully now making scrapes on the ground. First eggs laid around April 21st - which is World Curlew Day! Let's love our curlews.

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