(very late) day 3: summer!

6 7

- Day 7
Prompt: ParadoxRoid

“I’ll promise you CBSS when you come back to visit Vollmond City”
“... don’t forget it”

9 13

- Day 7 🌸
Prompt: "Promise"
let's meet once again in another world.

16 33

(late) day 2: halloween! 🍭

9 10

- Day 3
Prompt: Summer

Owen doesn’t want to walk on sand :(
But that’s alright! Because sir knight is here!!

11 15

- Day 2
Prompt: Sweets

You see him sneaking into the kitchen to steal some sweets, what do you do?
((squish his cheeks and get him more sweets))

12 22

- Day 1
Prompt: June Bride

Hurry up kishi sama, the cake is falling apart...


12 23