So, what about Cyborg AU?
I will make the rest of the Hexsquad but I've been full with drawings and more stuff. Amity has already a rough sketch so soon Lumity will be post it! :D
so for now, Huntlow Cyborg!

42 385

I was definitely never gonna finish this so-

Have Ajax as a cyborg ( cyborg bodyguard au)


49 304

I did some Yoongi CyborgAU art totally inspired by s style, I really love her work <33333

7 74

The hunt (Part1) I hate the fact that I have again a full plotted story in my head 😅 more asap

34 214

Working on the second part for the Cyborg AU picture :)

4 52

And finished :) tbh this was a lot of fun and I think I’ll try this sort of coloring more often. Some Vegebul thingy for CyborgAU

52 281

I have to draw more for it so much projects and zero time 😓😭

26 133

Cyborg AU: Guardian of the Night
I can’t stop with this AU anymore uU

10 76