“Everything looks better when it’s messy as fuck”

yes I’m still obsessed with Daywalker leave me alone

15 48

"I wanna know if I tell you a secret will you keep it?"

absolutely killed it this mv!! I want to be as cool as her when I grow up... 🥺

(sorry for re-uploads, I'm struggling today 😂)

8 43

If i tell you a secret will you keep it?

1 8

🦇D A Y W A L K E R🦇
I wanna know if I tell you a secret, will you keep it?

4 18

There's an invisible voice that is talkin to me and it's always tellin me to KILL

59 330

is craezy (you see what I did there?) so proud of Rae she pulled Corpse’s part off, and ofc MGK for directing the whole MV it turned out amaziiiiiing🖤

2 18

my queen just built different

[ ]

75 266

People aren't my forte but like,, in the h e l l o
I'm obsessed

1 2

"I wanna know if I tell you a secret, will you keep it?"

Miss , you rock <(_ _)>❤💛✨

86 409