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One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki. (Mar 30)
Blue Archive the Animation (Abr 7)
Dekisokonai to Yobareta Motoeiyuu wa Jikka kara Tsuihou sareta node Sukikatte ni Ikiru Koto ni Shita (Abr 2)
The New Gate (Abr 14)
ひとまずC102告知を。サークルGENOCIDEKISSで新刊としてシャニマスのモノクロイラスト折本を持っていきますー8P200円で委託通販などはございません。今回もふわっとした参加になってしまいましたがよろしくお願いしますー #c102
They could be the perfect parents for Dekis and Medea, Eros looks more like Thesion Solon than to his own parents 😭🙏
No wonder that Medea envied Eros' privileges, and hated being compared to him because of the vastly different treatment they received from their parents.
@cruxinawindow @WEBCOMICFESS Dekis satu-satunya cogan IWBU yang nggak bisa dijadiin Harem sama Meddie 😂
Saran aku sih pas isekai kamu latihan panahan, pedang, tombak sama berkuda terus berpartisipasi dalam perang biar bisa pdkt sama Dekis sebelum dia sama istrinya, jadi kaburnya nanti sama kamu deh 👍
@popolala123457 Selain ngukuhin posisi Medeia sebagai Duchess, karena peran Dekis ngukuhin posisi Medeia itu berpengaruh sampai chapter 106, sisanya dia jarang muncul lagi sampai sekarang, kalau tiba-tiba balik gitu aja, kesannya dari 107-152 sengaja disimpan cuma buat ngasih kalung doang 😂
@popolala123457 Daripada tiba-tiba balik lagi ke Megrez tanpa penjelasan apapun padahal di chapter 88 kita diperlihatkan kalau Dekis sama ibunya punya sesuatu untuk dikatakan kalau ibunya udah sadar, Dekis juga selalu jagain ibu mereka.
Malah lebih menarik kalau Dekis diperlihatkan-
Dekis has always looked after his mom since chapter 88.
The timeline between Medea asking for Dekis' locket and Medea sleeping with Eros is like 1-2 days, so it doesn't make sense if Dekis isn't shown when their mom instead gets a lot of portion to say mean things to his sister.
Dekis Solon's appreciation post before he disappears again in the next chapters.
Best brother and one of the best characters in Your Throne 👑
"Ini buatan Tuan Dekis? (Cokelat?)"
"Iya... Dia belajar hal-hal aneh saat tinggal di luar."
Sumpah ya Dekis aku penasaran kamu ngapain aja pas lagi nggak ada di Beliard, kapan bisa liat POV kamu lagi 😭
In chapter 87, Dekis cannot greet Psyche or Perion because he is taking care of his mother.
Dekis attended to watch the sword competition = Madam Solon had woken up since then
maybe Dekis isn't shown in chapter 155 because he's not in Solon's mansion, or later we'll get his POV https://t.co/hy4F69F83y
Honestly I want to know more about Dekis, how will he respond about Eros, Dekis once saw his sister fall because Eros broke the engagement, Dekis won't be fine with Medea being assaulted by the same person
Come on SAM, Dekis has more potential than just being used as an extra 😔
@MayHiems I love your theory 😂
it would be even funnier if it turned out that the Solon siblings had the same ideal type and Medea knew that so she kept Psyche for herself, +Dekis loves it when someone admires and praises Medea in front of him because he is also very proud of his sister
There was no way Eros could be this tall, Eros was the shortest among Phel, Dekis, Helio and himself 🤣
Sometimes, SAM also draws Psyche taller than her actual height, so it's very kind of her to make Eros looks like a bit taller here
Gepeng i w4nn4 b3 u
GUYS GUYSS mau dnger pendapat kalian, kan ini dari author katanya bakal ada yg d word (: menurut kalian dekis atau helio? Dari dialog psyche ngarah ke helio, tp ini ada kalungnya dekis berlumuran darah
[tpp yy mo (cont..)
doraemon au where everything is the same but dekisugi grew up poor and cannot afford education hikksssrott 🤧🤧🤧#ドラえもん