Today is the 18 month anniversary of our first 'meeting' - at the with . I was looking for something and found the tweet advertising it!

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Thank you. Gracias and for joining me this evening! I always learn new things or new uses for older ideas during every Siempre aprendo cosas nuevas o nuevos usos para ideas antiguas durante cada I will post the

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A4 In-person and on-line, I take visual and auditory notes on students - are they talking about a certain show/movie/game, do they wear shirts about dance/baseball. etc. I start conversations to find out about their interests.

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A3 Students need to know you care about them in order to thrive socially, emotionally and academically. School is sometimes the best part of a child's day - teachers make it that way.

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A2 Students will be in school Sept. 8. Teachers are required to be there Sept. 3 and 4. School is open for all students.

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A1 I am really looking forward to seeing all those little faces (even masked) in PERSON! I can't wait to have casual chats - on the playground, in the hall and more! I have missed that so much!

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Hi! I am Anne LeBlanc, a grade 4/5 teacher from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada!

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In just FIFTEEN minutes - quince minutos will begin! Tonight's topic is Relationships First! Relaciones Primero!

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A5 I feel supported by my online Students start school Sept. 8. Teachers are required to be in Sept. 3. We may be allowed in the week of Aug. 24. Much is up in the air. I am in close contact with our school secretary and we support each other.

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Q4 I have found and will continue to find ways to be positive and help others. I will post funny images in the staff washrooms. I will speak up when I have safety concerns. I will support students by prioritizing well-being over curriculum!

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A3b I am talking with colleagues and planning on writing letters and emails. Our union is working on this too. I feel like, once I am IN school and busy, it will be easier. Finding the new normal is the challenge.

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A3a We will be in class. Everyone but teachers and students need masks and to be 6 ft apart. In classrooms, no masks and 3ft. No direction about how to handle materials - just vague assurances. Not sure who is planning - province? District?

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A2b I am heading to a no internet area next week and that is a way to help myself – mostly reading, beach days, etc.

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A2a I have been attending AWESOME PD so my energy is high, but so is my anxiety. I think having had PD as a focus for a few hours 3 times a week for the last few weeks has kept me from hyper-focusing.

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A1 I am holding on to the empty classroom the day we returned the bagged up student supplies. I felt sad. I also happily remember when my students let me dance for a whole song they couldn't hear at our year end dance party. They were storing up the craziness I guess!

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Hi! Anne here, grade 4/5 teacher in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada!

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“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”—Audrey Hepburn

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A2 I would like to use with but I know students have to download the videos and pictures from DE and put them into Buncee. I like using Studio within DE because it makes it so easy - but there is more creative stickers, font, etc. to use in Buncee

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