시저스크래퍼 - 화접
Caesar Scrapper - Flower Butterfly

450 5937

닷지 롤 - 무적풍아륜
dodge roll - invincible wind wheel

596 9925

웨이브 캐논 - 파동포요권
Wave Cannon - padongpoyoken

304 3452

그랜드 스위퍼 - 지룡
Ground Sweeper Dragon

884 10759

머신건 러시 - 연랑
machine gun kicks - wolf pack

531 6512



6 25

Yin(black) & Yang (white)

51 439

삼라만상의 여우권사
The fox fighter of all things

조화의 도전자 타오
Tao, Challenger of Harmony

357 2999

I've learned a lot of traditional and nostalgic Thai songs from TGS. I love the relationships among the talented judges, the MCs, and all the participants. The high ratings are well-deserved. Hope TGS Season 7 continues with the same greatest team🥰

20 31

액티베이트! - 패왕포효권 [동]
Activate! - King's Roaring Fist [Burst]

186 1771

오버웰밍 챠지 - 패왕포효권 [발]
Overwelling Charge - King's Roar Fist [Contact]

202 1959

Congratulations on the TGS Season 6 Final! I'd like to send my applause to all the talented singers, judges, and MCs. Looking forward to the stage in September💚

69 60


長いノーズがいかにも速そうです!ラジコンでは、フロント(鼻)が長いボディはオーバーステア傾向である。と考えています😅🤗… https://t.co/oR3ELNuYWs

2 21

TGS S6 Final ep.の撮影のお祝いをクリスとMea Meow, P’Kluea, P’Joe, P'Neung, P’Kob, P’Gunに贈りました🎁
Love the warmth of the TGS fam!

Wishing for ur happiness and the advancement of ur brilliant career💚
Thanks for all ur help🙏

104 85

Rest well and shine brightly in the stars my baby may your next life be less burdensome

33 117

DENSO Future Story で担当した漫画が公開されました。


12 38