all that shit with john barrowman yesterday reminded me of the time back in 2013 when doctor who fans and directioners had a full on fucking flame war over who would have nov 23rd as their day to celebrate their respected british shit

// pedophilia mention

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today we transitioned from fighting twitter communists to directioners to emma stone stans. what will happen next? who will be safe? will bts get for a second week? tune in tomorrow for another episode of ARMY. STAN. TWITTER.

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Karyaku! selamat pagi directioners all around the world, tetep semangat yaa, salam dari the boys 😜

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Happy 10th anniversary to one of my favorite bands
Thank you so much for bringing me such beautiful memories in my life that I'll never forget.

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kpoper, uniter, bolsominion, petista, fã de futebol, belieber, go solos, potterhead, lgbtqia+, arianator, DCnaltas, marvelinos/mervetes, lovatics, directioners, todos os dias// pra salvar a bel dos pais dela e ver cidade alerta

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Check this out on my instagram too, leave a like or comment!

Blooming Geisha

What do you think??

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Selamat pagi Directioners Indonesia. Untuk yang berminat membutuhkan masker special 1D, yuk di order special edition loh hanya ada 1 kali PO dan pada setiap pembeliannya kalian juga telah berdonasi kepada aksi cepat tanggap. Tidak hanya covid-19 tapi aksi kemanusiaan lainnya

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Hi Directioners, ada yang special nih. Yuk ikutan Pre-Order 1DecadeMerch. 1D Mask ini hanya IDR 30.000 nett belum termasuk biaya ongkir. Specialnya kenapa? Ini hanya ada satu kali produksi dan di setiap pembelian masker ini kamu telah membantu berdonasi untuk aksi sosial —

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Directioners yang mau PO masker 1D special edition and very limited bisa langsung wa ke 087870824430 😍🌻

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Directioners peduli.
Yuk lawan covid bareng Directioners Indonesia, dengan memesan/membeli masker spesial edisi kalian udah ikut serta loh dalam memberikan donasi kepada para pasien covid -19 .

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Selamat malam Directioners Indonesia. Untuk yang berminat membutuhkan masker special 1D, yuk di order special edition loh hanya ada 1 kali PO dan pada setiap pembeliannya kalian juga telah berdonasi kepada aksi cepat tanggap. Tidak hanya covid-19 tapi aksi kemanusiaan lainnya

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Louis Tomlinson mais conhecido como dono do sorriso mais lindo do mundo


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