Abis ini kaka osisnya ngebakar smua toko yg jual pomade dket rumah hanma ( ̄∇ ̄)

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Nulis ttg secret agent tuh butuh riset jg ga sih? Hal teknis begituan tuh biasanya jadi barrier buat w, mknya sekarang nyari paling dket aj
My genre keeps jumping like a parkour. In fact, they all heavily fantasy, so WN is the most domestic story I've ever come up with 😭

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Inspired by over on the Eternal Klay Discord, I present my KlayPurple wearing his FUDora. He's got the perfect face for it: incredulous eyes and a dangerous mouth!

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This guy AKA vincent insp from my ex crush, dket banget waktu dulu suka curhat2an tp skrg udh kek orang gakenal👍 .
Similiarity? Banyak bgt

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