yeah the more i play this the more izumi route doesn't feel like an izumi romance route but rather an okuhiko snuff film

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this image is so funny to me for some reason

*picture of cute girl* "she has shown grievous disregard of state laws and is deemed unsafe to public society"

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no more schrodingers cats in vns please im begging

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i find it cool that it remembers who we chose to bike with us in kurumi route even though its inconsequential

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then maybe dont prop them up vertically like that??? 😭😭

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i like this kurumi sprite in particular shes just like "man"

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bro you are literally super rich and you're just gonna freeload huh 😭

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i like this new sprite of hers its funy

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i love how the first time we see his crying sprite is because he lost in rock paper scissors what a loser lol

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i like how this is implying yuka somehow weighs less than 22 pounds

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uhhh idk about japan but i dont think you're going to be able to get saffron at your local grocery store??? unless you're buying safflower branded as saffron or smth isn't it rare enough that you need to get it at specialty stores at really high prices?

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bestie are we being graded on this what do we do 😭 inb4 we absolutely fucking fail at whatever they want us to do and get expelled

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