Davids Magic Item of the Day: Smashing Pumpkins-These magic jack-o-lanterns explode w/the equivalent force of 1 stick of dynamite. 10ft blast radius, make a DC12 Dex save. Fail takes 3d6 bludgeoning dam and is frightened from the spooky face for 1d4 rounds.

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David’s Magic Item of the Day: Scroll of Democracy-Your party is involved in political posturing. Use this scroll to cast Democratic Solution and force a vote where each PC/NPC gets a vote. Party leader must succeed on casters spell save DC or voting commences.

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David’s Magic Item of the Day: Secret Time Raven- This Raven can find and speak a message to a specific individual of your choosing. However, the message must be something ONLY you know. If anyone else knows the Raven will not fly away.

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