And on the topic of the previous tweet in this🧵, recall that genes are made of 🧬

Gene regulation is a very important thing for cells!

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It’s Midna Day?? Oki screw St. Patrick’s, she’s more important. I had no idea there was a day dedicated to Link’s Wife 👀
Imma celebrate with old art and screenshots

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El primer borrador de la molécula de ADN pertenece a Odile Speed, artista y pareja de Crick, su trabajo paso desapercibido, pero ilustró uno de los hitos más importantes de la biología. Elegante y hermoso👩‍🎨
Pueden leer más de ella

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Happy National DNA Day, everyone!

Nothing better to celebrate this day than by drawing a Mew, the psychic cat rumored to have the DNA of all Pokémon.

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Happy On this day in 1953, the structure of DNA was officially published in . In 1979, MIT Bio prof. Alex Rich discovered another possible structure with a zig-zagged sugar phosphate backbone, Z-DNA:

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Happy everyone! is a common thread in our which are visited ~27 million times a day.

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Happy Today we celebrate the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA, published 1953 in .

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Some antibiotics attack cells by intercalating between DNA bases

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Vitamin D receptor bound to DNA, with vitamin D in magenta
Vitamin D Receptor:

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Today,62 years ago,it was described the DNA structure and it was published in . Today,we can modify it

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