Koshka With UCP & DNC

33 636

[FFXIV] I wanted to draw my boy in the lvl 100 DNC gear 💃

273 1686

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Live about 50 mins ✌🏻
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DDR Dnc 🎧 to K-POP TWICE "The Feels" 😭

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Sechegur Dotharl, Xaela Au Ra (FFXIV)
- drg/dnc/beastmaster if we get it
- emotional support lizard, WILL tell you that you are not okay and force you to rest
- enjoys fighting, especially with his Oronir rival
- good at brewing drinks
- angry, honest
- so many scars oh god

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ethereal view (dnc pony)

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heres him with CLOTHES
( he’s actually a SMN main but his DNC glam is easier to draw soo )

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un jour il faudrait je change mon layout twitter pr mettre mn persona là mais j'aime trop cassiopée dnc en attendant profitez de ces commis de dingues par @/ShirayukiCover et @/GOMA_yammy !! bangarang

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She can wear anything I dnc but hi milo I was looking for your account everywhere but couldn’t find it so I thought you left tiwyter finally found you though

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When future generations ask me what went wrong in 2016 the best way I can explain it is with this cartoon by Matt Wuerker. The DNC ran Hillary, and RNC ran Jeb. Both parties ignored the changing tides, and politics of the past 40 years. Everyone paid the price.

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@ FF14 can you give us DNC mains glamours like THESE???

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the funky DNC pattern

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Una and a sum up of how I play his classes LOL

Brød: Distracted RPR who still does his job

Panic: SGE doing his best and panicking if people's health are too low

Roser: DNC with no thoughts in his brain only music

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there's my DRK... and then DNC

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shadowbringers shb spoilers //

lightwarden esther 👁👁 I really need a biblical angel themed dnc weapon set

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