inquisitor from DFO
cant wait to play her in DNF Duel

73 254

Maybe I'm too biased and/or old-school but I want to look something like this.

36 262

Últimamente hemos notado que muchas personas están malinformadas sobre los títulos de Arc System Works.
¡Nosotros estamos para combatir ese mal, precisamente! Fechas de salida, contenidos, personajes, idiomas... ¡También respondemos a vuestras dudas!

24 108


0 0

I don't know their name

17 47

新作 : に登場するポニーテイルの格闘家がめちゃくちゃ気になって眠れない方も多いいので私がささっと説明しよう!

彼女は2005年より韓国でサービスを開始しした大人気MORPG: (日本版: )に登場する の2次職: ストライカーなのだ!

43 90

Many players are curious about the mysterious female fighter that appeared in the new fighting game:
Who is she? Let me explain!

She is a Subclass Advancement of : "Striker"
One of the class from a popular Korean MMORPG: ( )

26 48

の歴史 (その4)



メインキャラクターたちは名前もあり、女格闘家 は の名でメインヒロインとして登場しているのだ!

4 24

History of (4)

The first anime serie of was aired in 2009:

The world and characters are based on videogame but different story.

Female Fighter appears as the main heroine of the anime!

13 34

の歴史 (その5)



では ( ) の名で登場!

3 16

の歴史 (その6)



4 18

History of (6)

Obviously she appears in various manga too, like in:
(Birz Comics)
(Based on the anime of 2009 but different story)

And in various Web Comics of the official Website!

7 23

Bro holy shit hol up

I just found out about this DNF Duel game
And Striker is uh

She's kinda perfect

0 15

everyone after ranger's trailer maybe

2 10

I need to play this game like... RIGHT NOW! I need to main my boi the Ranger (More specifically Raven)! If they add the Classes "Blood Mage" or "Skirmisher" as well... OHHHH I HOPE SO! I'll definitely be playing this when it drops!

0 6