Daedon/archeotherium cross and daedon for runner up

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Heck hippos! Though I will say I’m still working out their nasal region and skulls. I think the hardest is finding better muscle studies on the face of hippos and whales.
I’m needing to rework both, but daedon is much larger than archeotherium and more hippo like in skull

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My entelodonts
Archeotherium and Daedon

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Yawning entelodont came a long way, you can see how my learning process went(then I spent a lot of time studying and getting the species right as well, archeotherium used in these when I originally used a daedon)

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I’m gonna have to sculpt the head one day
Enjoy entelodont daedon update

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Le d'aujourd'hui c'est le daedon alias le cochon de l'enfer une créature aussi improbable que terrifiante !

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stream request for a megatherium beating the shit out of a daedon

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