day 8: free day 💫 "united as one"
(biofusion au) sequel to yesterday's pic, in which yasashimon and kisekimon have jogressed into a single digimon, kagayakimon!

9 26

day 6: distance/touch 🌼🌸 "all the space between"
(crest gems au) just reach out and touch

13 27

day 4: dreams/nightmares 🌟 "nightlight"
(crest gems au) ken finds that daisuke can brighten even the darkest of nights, chasing away all his fears with his brilliant light.

12 25

day 3: hearts/minds 💗 "synchronicity"
they'd never felt something so profound.

12 39

day 1: past/future 💞 "destined to be"
i wanted this to represent that feeling of destiny between them before they knew they were soulmates, when daisuke could already sense their future connection but ken was still shying away from it.

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