Good morning cutiesss

Morning coffee time!! Keep those heads high over there beans you’re doing great, all of you!! 💕

(Today’s Naya is by @/DailyDonuts !!)

3 118

You can always count on the GQP to Make Crow Jim Again.

24 100

Stephon Clark, unarmed and shot 20 times by police, should be alive today. Maybe the officers were just “having a bad day”?

10 50

88 years ago today, true genius and musical force of nature Nina Simone was born and we are all better for it.

25 81

No unity without accountability, no progress without solidarity.

41 128

May this Lumbering Garbage Barge and his entire coterie of complicit cultists never know a moment of peace the rest of their shitty, shitty days.

28 102

Sharing last year’s “12 Days of X-Mas” post while Kate Bush sings “December Will Be Magic Again” at me in the background. And given SCOTUS’ cold shouldering of MAGA sedition, maybe she’s right.

21 61

When your legal team includes the Mrs. Doubtfire of fashy-curious fever dreams.

19 62

For Shirley Chisholm, born 96 years ago today.

14 74

Trump’s Thanksgiving Menu (Not pictured: pardoned turkey stuffing, white-collared greenbacks, and a shit ton of COVID) 1/2 .

15 80

Some post-Trump job options for the Civil War cemetery-toothed tv lawyer voted “Most Likely To Use 9/11 In A Pickup Line”.

23 100

Thought the Full Diaper Krime Klan could use an update to their family logo.

23 102

Congrats on the landslide victory!
Here’s to fearlessly fighting the good fight.

15 95

November 4, 2020. (Fingers very fucking crossed).

15 82

A Fact-Allergic Walrus Taint Picks A Fight With A Better Person: Part 1,047.

26 97

When you’re an inside-out bat corpse tv lawyer but also a sucker for some sneaky rubles.

20 86

When you think PPE makes you look like a sissy but also gotta Rambo cosplay at the farmer’s market.

48 131