Game: Tales of Eternia by
Genre: Action
Platform(s): PS1/PSP

My favourite of the 2D Tales games, Eternia is the third game in the franchise and follows a familiar ''two worlds'' story with spirits/summons. Loved the combat system a lot!

1 5

Game: Rayman 3 by
Genre: 3D
Platform(s): GC/PS2/PS3/Xbox/360/PC

Rayman 3 is either one of those titles everyone talks about, or doesn't when it comes to the franchise. It's a really solid 3D platformer for me though!

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Game: Jeanne d'Arc by
Genre: Tactical
Platform(s): PSP/Vita

Jeanne d'Arc is easily one of my favourite tile-based SRPGs ever. The story is good, and it's also pretty challenging with good gameplay.

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Game: Kuru Kuru Kururin by
Platform(s): GBA

Kuru Kuru Kururin is a simple game: you're a long horizontal aircraft that needs to find its way through a maze while spinning endlessly. Fun concept, and also very addicting!

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Game: Micro Machines by
Platform(s): Too many to name

I've only played the first game so I can't say if other entries are better. Regardless, it's a long-running franchise and I definitely had fun with the first game!

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