is an illustrator in the UK who focuses on work that is character driven with a flavour of magic and fantasy.

7 54

is a Korean person who is determined to portray women along the whole spectrum of personhood in their work! They normally do character design, illustrations and merchandise, though They've been wanting to break into comics for a while!

11 70

is a graphic designer and illustrator from France and Argentina! They are the co-creator of Dames and a huge fantasy and DnD nerd!

7 39

was raised by wolves deep in the wild wilds of Minnesota. She enjoys long walks on the beach, illustration, and comics.

3 17

is an illustrator and comic artist from Vienna, Austria. They love focusing their work on nautical and surreal things and they draw the webcomic "Within".

5 46

is a gay witch, comic artist and illustrator with love for the queer and the occult.

14 103

is a storyboard artist on the Arcanes LOL series, and a comic enthusiast!

8 86

is an Illustrator and colorist from Italy, bold color enthusiast, awful at presentations but loves drawing strong women in shiny armors!

4 29

is a children's book illustrator with a passion for fierce monsters and whimsical settings.

11 106

is an illustrator inspired by fantasy, folklore, and tales of adventure.

5 45

is a Vietnamese-American illustrator based in Dallas with a love of drawing girls, backgrounds, and fun magical concepts!

4 39

is a student in her first year of college. She loves painting and pretty colours, and hopes to work in the animation industry someday!

5 67

is a university student interested in art, fashion, and food!

2 20

is a concept artist, background painter, illustrator, and lover of legendary women.

16 217

is an illustrator who loves drawing art inspired by motion and flow!

6 30

is a Canadian artist. They love playing around with vibrant colours and drawing girls!

7 59

is a learning and plant-loving illustrator and GIF Artist who loves stars, botany, and weird mojo.

6 31

is a french illustrator. She loves traditional techniques like ink and gouache and tends to develop tragic but colourful universes!

You can find her work here:

3 16

is a comic artist and illustrator from France. She loves to portray love, birds, medieval aesthetic, and sometimes everything at once.

10 103

is a digital artist with a focus on character design and an interest in historical subjects, especially clothing design

6 27