In a field of paper flowers ✨



218 903

Witches Gather
My JeanLisa witch hunter AU! Brainrot is wild.

153 593


Lisa telling Razor that he'll be a big brother


85 390

Claymore Jean and bow Lisa would be so fucking cool

17 110

cw// wounds/scratches?

Jean’s first instinct when she gets injured is to go to Lisa you can’t change my mind

7 50

Day 4: Family

I took way too long on this and I don’t have the energy to render sorry 🙏🙏 But Razor Klee and Fischl are JeanLisa’s kids ty

21 76

Day 2: Roleswap AU? Does Fatui JeanLisa count as a roleswap???

9 53

Day 1: Potions

[Turing love, there’s no way my love’ll blow you away though
Foreign love, even ABC’s seem out of place, oh] this song refuses to leave my brain

30 105

Catgirl Lisa x Doggirl Jean is my new religion I don’t accept criticism

8 43

Jean hardly ever drinks but she’s as rowdy as Venti when she gets drunk

5 50