How Haruka is spending her weekend. We hope your is just as well!☺️
(Graphic belongs to Smart Doll )

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Yui is super comfy today because we have to stay home 🏡 So no cool outfits or anything like that. Still cute 💙

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This is serious business.
Shirt and skirt by 💙

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愛ちゃん: 無事にホテルへ着きました。(*^^)v
今週末はラスベガスで〜す🎰 (^^) .

Ai-chan: Arrived hotel safely(*^^)v.
Stay in Las Vegas this weekend 🎰 (^^) .

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愛ちゃん: シリコンバレー最近は雨の日々です。☔️ (´ω`) .

Ai-chan: Silicon valley keep raining recently ☔️ (´ω`) .

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愛ちゃん: ちょっと遅れちゃだ… 福袋まだあるかな?(^_^)ゞ .

Ai-chan: A bit late... are those lucky bags (fukubukuro) still available? (^_^)ゞ .

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愛ちゃん: 今日はロリータドレスです💕〜 (≧▽≦) .

Ai-chan: Lolita dress today 💕~ (≧▽≦) .

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愛ちゃん: メリークリスマス💖🎁 🎄!.

Ai-chan: Merry Christmas 💖🎄🎁 !.

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愛ちゃん: 皆さん素敵なクリスマスイブとなりますように💕 (^^) .
Ai-chan: Merry Christmas Eve💕 (^^) .

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愛ちゃん: もう少しでクリスマスイブだね💕 (o^^o) .
Ai-chan: Christmas Eve is coming soon💕 (o^^o) .

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愛ちゃん: 五反田ミライストアに行きたいな〜 (^^) .
Ai-chan: Want to go to Tokyo Mirai store~ (^^) .

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