Thank you for the tag - I am Darkdragonjoe - or joe for short
I draw anime and manga art - mostly ocs and occasional Fanart pieces :) here are some of my recent pieces 😁

Tagging 🤗

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Might as well
Hello I am Darkdragonjoe (DDJ)
I’m an internet artist who likes to draw Oc anime and manga art
Commissions are open if anyone is ever interested and there aren’t much but I like to write stories based on said ocs from time to time

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I doubt this will get anywhere but this is worth a try 😅😂

I am Joseph George ( Darkdragonjoe) I am a digital artist drawing anime and manga hoping to make my own manga some day
Here are some examples of my work

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Jane Shironee Oc Redraw( not sure how much different it is XD)
( still bad with backgrounds but I’m learning )

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