Posting this to keep my account alive
Old art tho. This was my entry for a contest hosted by my friend from Dinartsaur ✌️

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Guess who decided to return after 3 months of break from social media? Your girl right here 😭
First post of the year lol I'm so late

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Lil Sinar dgn Mentari 🐎
Kalau tak faham tulisan jawi, tajuk buku tu "Cara2 Reject Lelaki Stalker" 👀

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Hasil sketch dari Q&A kat IG. Sketch fav confirm kena colour. Sinar's hair is ✨ perfection ✨

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I love Warda's mafia design, so here's Warda showing off her fangs.
No, she's not a vampire. Just a normal human being with very sharp fangs.

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