Ken: Hey, you can't have a without me! I found myself such a cutie too. His name is Theodore Smith and he's from the video game Dead Rising 2. He has such a jiggly compact belly and an adorable moan.

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Andy Talbat and Tammy Blaine (DR2 Survivors) for someone
It is from his fanfic called Dead Rising: A Dead Gateway.

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【お嬢様Vtuber】おゾンビと戯れますわ~~!!【DEADRISING2】 より

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Chuck Greene (Case Zero) fanart.

Before LiS, I'm addicted to Dead Rising games. Eventually, I will do more Dead Rising games.

Let's Kill the Sound !!!!!!!!!

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Dead Rising 2 / Rebecca Chang

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ペーパーマリオ deadrising2 ぷよぷよ 牧場物語コロステ。今でも大好きすぎるゲーム😭

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An amazing Rebecca Chang by oh8 is one of our favorite entries.

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