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I feel my brain cells die every time I watch the #PresidentialDebate2020
This is how I feel after watching the #PresidentialDebate2020. Hopefully you do too.
What would have to happen for the debate to make a difference:
Lion charges on stage & attacks Joe Biden
Make Jeffrey Toobin the moderator
Two words: trap door
Giant Eagle game becomes blowout
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@WeeklyHumorist @thedailybeast @martydundics @Shawtooner #debate2020
Muted for 2 minutes during a debate is great but let’s mute Donald Trump forever on Nov. 3rd. #DebateTonight #Debate2020 #MuteTrump #MuteButton #VoteEarly #vote #VoteHimOut #PresidentialDebate2020
#Lies #Flies! #TShirts!
@Nick_Anderson_ was inspired to create this image during the #VPDebate
Check-out the t-shirts here: https://t.co/7dMSzh0aCs
#VPDebate2020 #Debate2020 #2020Debate
#PenceLies #PenceFly #MikePence
RT @cartoonistgroup
Talk about the elephant in the room, this elephant and fly piece I did back in 2014 has all new meaning this week! 🐘🦟🇺🇸 #voteblue #bidenharris2020 #mikepence #elephantintheroom #pencefly2020 #thefly #dragracefanart #bendelacreme #dariennelake #vpdebate2020 #michaeldimotta
Pence is the LEADER of the Covid Task Force and couldn’t even protect his boss and 23 others in the White House which should have been a Covid free bastion.
If he can’t even protect the President, how is he going to protect YOU?
#KamalaWonTheDebate #VPDebate2020 #KamalaHarrisVP
Cartoon for @ProjectLincoln.
#LincolnProject #flyonpence #flyonmikepence #Debate2020 #debates
@peterdaou No matter which puppet is installed in the White House, this picture is really what we’re always looking at. #Debate2020
A Vaudeville #VPDebate2020 with #KamalaHarris #MikePence and FEATURING #thefly
That fly be chilling though...
Take this horrible and quick sketch of Mike Pence and the fly on his head I did.
#mikepencefly #fly #flies #mikepencesfly #mikepense #art #artist #sketch #VicePresidentialDebate2020
“My country has in its wisdom contrived for me the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.” - John Adams
Enjoy the #VPDebate Follow for more cartoons!
#VPDebate2020 #VPDebates #webcomic #webcomics #Veep #veepdebate #comics
How about some @JoeBiden domming @realDonaldTrump to lighten your day #PresidentialDebate2020 #fanart