My mind is filled with AA so

Who would your FFXIV OC be if they were in Ace Attorney? An attorney, a prosecutor, a detective, an assistant, a witness, a judge, a defendant or a criminal? (If the defendant, are they in fact guilty?)

What break down animation they would have?

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Reposting this because I'm still worried and curious to know if Arrow is okay (the horse Johnny Depp bought the defendant).

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Okay, Ace attorney,
Reign would likely be the defendant and would, despite not being so, plead guilty, Niko would be the victim, and Riley would be an attorney, she can read minds, that’s pretty on par with ace attorney honestly .

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the judge frank caprio CAUGHT IN PROVIDENCE clip of him settling $250 in fines and giving cash to pay for the defendants uber was making the reddit rounds and this user comment made me think about les mis and bishop myriel 👨🏻‍⚖️

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The defendant in this case. Dreams of becoming a famous magician one day. She came to Hotel Ba-Kansu with me (Apollo Justice!) and her father (Phoenix Wright) to perform in the Imagawa Festival's magic show.

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friendship ended w ibis paint, notes app is my new beloved

sorry!wilbur, his defendant is very much innocent


73 330

A dashing defense attorney sweeps their defendant off her feet ✨

starts dgs2 this evening!

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an attorney's worst defendant

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"I hereby find the defendant, Ryuunosuke Naruhodou... Not guilty!"

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Streamers for The Trial!
Ace is on Trial for murder! They will now face Justice (the ravager)

The Judge:
The Defendant:

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Not exactly defendants, but I do think Blue Lily and Lilybell from CROB are someway related to White Lily

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“OBJECTION YOUR HONOR, the defendant is ugly!!!!!”

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Let me look at those molars defendant💖

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hey girl im finally posting my defendant!klavier doodles wheeze. give these boys the good ol' turnabout goodbyes treatment QUICK

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A caracter designed for a rpg session inspired by ace attorney
Kudos if can guess if she's the victim, defendant, culprit or a simple witness

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. 『裁判で暴れる被告人』
(A defendant acting out of character at trial.)

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Smara the Judge & Kani the Defendant

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A cross-eyed judge has 3 defendants in front of him.
he says to the 1st defendant: “Where were you last night?”
says the 2nd defendant; “I was at home.”
Says the judge; “I didn't talk to you at all.”
Says the 3rd defendant; “I didn't say anything.”🤡

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did my first drawing. hell to the yeah.

(the defendant doesn’t have twitter. hooray.)

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