Old drawings of Mary and Mill :>

From a deleted scene from the Warnerburg comic ✌

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And you know it's a panel from a weird deleted scene, bay-beeee

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"How to get people to go along with what you say," Part 1.

Art from a deleted Warnerburg scene :)

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If your legs don't form an obtuse angle, you ain't power stancin' enough.

From a Warnerburg deleted scene where Ranji places an order at a fast food restaurant 😅

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Ranji make a face 😱

From a weird Warnerburg deleted scene :) I made the face weirder 👍

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A from film’s shooting script 📑


The militia are leaving Meryton. Hundreds of soldiers and officers in red coats marching out of the village to the sound of pipes and drums. The villagers are out to bid them farewell.

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The boys have a convo (Akairi, Ranji, and Gunrick). 🗣

A deleted scene from the Warnerburg comic :)

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Heute gibt es neue Natürlich spoiler- aber nicht ganz lästerfrei.😄 https://t.co/S8GSm7Eufn

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Alright, last one! I'll try to hold off the teases til I finish up the last 2 pages ;P

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