ive mentioned this on here but a lot of my fairy lore ties to owls in some way. desert fairies often live in saguaro hollows like some species of desert owl and adelita specifically grew up in a former burrowing owls den that was later repurposed by her little fairy family

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HO Sub Adelita・E・Stehr


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Daily Final Fantasy Tactics fanart 17/30
Delita Heiral (Knight costume)

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Daily Final Fantasy Tactics fanart 15/30
Delita Heiral (yep, again)

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Ayer fue el cumple de Adelita y para celebrarlo. aquí unos early concepts o exploraciones de su diseño que hice basándome en las especificaciones de Alan.

Y sí, en los primeros diseños, Adelita tendría la cara pintada de catrina xd

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La china una adelita
Tengo que hacer dibujo de una mujer importante por este mes así pronto haré dibujo así digamos que habrá dibujo en estos días
Buenas noches

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King Delita.

That's an indication of where FFT In a Nutshell Part 2 is at... not long now!

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El Valiente, whose real name is Pedro Moreno, is a wrestler and husband of Adelita Guerrero, first shown in The VVV episode of the Mexican animated television web series about the hard life of villains.

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Ya les hice bendicion jsjsjjs se llama adelita

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6. Hail to the king! I legit wanted to cosplay this dude, but settled on playing through an entire (award-winning) MMORPG to resolve Delita's story. Hella worth it too, that sh got me teary eyed

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Hija de emz y poco su nombre es:
Así es se parece más a su tío abuelo mortis jagskshsk tiene más parte vampiro que nada

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Last year I made a drawing dedicated to the Mexican Revolution, inspired in the movie The Book of Life. And this year I said to myself "myself, why don't we do another one" And I listened.

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😁 ¡¡¡Que viva la Revolución!!!
Una Adelita estilo Anime. Espero que les guste el resultado. Saludos!!!

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Adelita 3017 - A Mad Max Style Post-Apocalyptic Thriller!
Created by Ariel Medel, this comic has non-stop action, adventure, thrills, and chills set in a devasted future Mexico. Issue 1 of 6.

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Check out this gorgeous variant cover by
You can get it on the Adelita 3017
Please like and retweet.

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wanted a rayan dressed as adelita

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Otro personaje al q le hice un gran cambio, fue a Trish

A ella la dibujo morenita, con esas manchas verdes en su cabello y su vestuario es parecido al de una adelita jsjsjs https://t.co/6QFfybKfTD

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