Ceruminous gland adenoma: external ear canal, can be painful & cause hearing impairment🔬 Well defined with apocrine inner lining and outer myoepithelial layer. No overt cytologic atypia

51 144

Carcinoma cuniculatum:
🔬rare type of well-diff SCC which shouldn't be confused with verrucous ca
🐇forms cystically dilated sinuses "the burrows of a rabbit warren"
🦶usually develops on soles
A while ago we proposed its criteria in AJD: 10.1097/DAD.0000000000001457

66 182

Look at this high-grade cutaneous MPNST!

44 114

Thursday special. 😆🔬

I could not let this go without sharing its morphologic beauty.


29 90

20 yo woman. Thumb lesion. A perfect example! What is the diagnosis? Answer: https://t.co/ap5qa7YGWm. Video on how to tell it apart from a potential mimic: https://t.co/VgWjuYhRxV.

33 91

He’s back! Biopsy from the chest of a 60+ year old woman. What do you think is going on here?

20 64

36M Hx: lesion left temporal scalp ?BCC/??other. Any guesses?

8 14

Moving on to some skin paintings the next days, 80/100 was inspired by a masson-goldner-trichrome.

6 21

Happy Saturday! Show a really “not much” case, but turns out again be “very much” and serious. I saw these lesions daily, most are just solar lentigo or macular SK. But you have to be careful and use IHC generously. 66 cheek lentigo.#Dermpath

17 35

☠️Case of The Day☠️
✅Compact hyperkeratosis
✅Focal parakeratosis and hypergranulosis
✅Irregular psoriasiform hyperplasia
✅Collagen bundles in papillary dermis

Choose your answer in the next tweet👇


20 41

Think about foreign body (splinter in this case) when there’s extensive epidermal necrosis and intense acute inflammation

1 3

Cellular neurothekeoma: solitary lesion, young age group, mostly females on the head&neck. Multilobular pattern in a fibrotic/hyalinized stroma, lobules composed of round cells with vesicular chromatin arranged in concentric nests that swirl w/ some mucin

111 159

Diagnosis: Staph scalded skin syndrome. SSSS (not SJS/TEN). Detached stratum corneum w free floating acantholytic keratinocytes (key to dx!). If corneum missing look around slide to try to find it. No inflammation or bacteria (toxin mediated).

43 76

Gottlieb’s sandwich sign: Fungal hyphae are “sandwiched” between two zones of cornified cells: orthokeratosis on top & parakeratosis or compact orthokeratosis below. Can be used as a clue for low power dx of dermatophyte infection.

141 232

✔ this is a proliferating trichilemmal cyst:
📍proliferation of squamous cystic areas in dermis, lobular architecture.
📍stratified squamous epithelium with abrupt/trichilemmal keratinization.
📍rupture frequent.
📍malignant transformation is rare.
📍DDx with SCC

31 51