🎉Last one of 🎉 Region: Arica y Parinacota
Pululos are inflated cereal puffs that are sold by the bag in Northern Chile and other areas traditionally populated by the Aymara indigenous people.
Thanks for joining me on this journey from South to North 😃🙌

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🍪 Region: Valparaíso
La Ligua is a small town in Valparaíso region that is home to about a dozen types of traditional Chilean pastries known collectively as "dulces de La Ligua". Pictured here: Cachitos, Chilenitos and Almejas.

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🍰 Region: O'Higgins

Torta Pompadour de plátano is the signature cake of Rancagua. A variation on mille-feuille (milhojas), it has many thin sheets of pastry with alternating layers of manjar and banana flavored whipped cream🍌

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🍰 Region: Maule
Torta Curicana is a traditional cake that originates from the city of Curicó. Layers of thin, crispy pastry are filled with manjar (dulce de leche, milk caramel). Manjar sandwiched between crunchy hojarasca pastry is a very thing 👌

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Region: Biobío
Pajaritos ("Little birds"🐤) are little sweet buns topped with meringue, sprinkles optional. They are traditionally made for September holidays, though you can find them all year round at the market in Concepción.

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Región: La Araucanía
Catutos are a traditional mapuche dish, little rounded diamond shaped flatbreads made from precooked and ground wheat grains. Served with honey or homemade jam 🍯

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Region: Los Ríos
Murta (Chilean guava) is a sweet red berry that grows in abundance in Valdivian rainforest. A common way to preserve it is by boiling with sugar together with quince (Membrillo)🍐

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Region: Los Lagos
Chapaleles are traditional dumplings from Chiloé island that can be either savory or sweet. The sweet version doesn't contain potatoes (usually) and is rectangular rather than round in shape. Served with honey!

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Region: the Magallanes.
Calafate is a berry native to Patagonia, so calafate jellies, jams and sweets are a specialty of this region 👌

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