79: The Heart of Thomas

Moto Hagion BL-peruskivessä koulupojat kokevat vaikeita tunteita.

Kodansha veti simultaanijulkaisunsa. Mangan fyysiset bootleg-julkaisut. Velhon morsiamen tekijä tulee Desuconiin. Lukujonossa Old-Fashioned Cupcake ja Drip Drip.


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random Reeve I also started at Desucon with no special plans or anything, just him being himself 🐀

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So I'm attending to Desucon this weekend! Pretty nervous about it, but if a con starts on Friday the 13th it must be a good sign riiight??

If I won't update anything after this you may assume some random con goer just ate a pumpkin. WAAH!

Wishing you spooky weekend!🎃

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Huomenna on conipäivä!
Ehkä Aelene summonoi teillekin pupukorvat! ~💜

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I will be at Desucon Frostbite's artist alley this saturday! At my table you can find prints of my original works along with Final Fantasy and Castlevania fan illustrations. There will also be some new copies of the Chaos-zine.

See you at the con ❄️

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Desucon Frostbite cossisuunnitelmat!
Perjantaina Bleach maski, ei cossia.
Lauantaina Sir Crocodile (sinertävä asu, pehmokoukusta tunnistaa😹).
Sunnuntaina Bede, toivottavasti saan takin valmiiks. 😅

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Ok real quick interest check! I'll be doing proper preorder forms for these tomorrow probably for Desucon Frostbite as these Do Be Costly but how many of you would be interested in 20cm x 15cm acrylic JJBA standees (cost would be approx 50€(pc)
(poll in replies!)

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update to cosplay plan :D
will be working but also cosplaying which is totally cool

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Too early for Desucon Frostbite cosplans? 😹❄️ We have One Piece 20th Anniversary theme group so my Crocodile cosplay is gonna be own design, am a bit unsure what ppl will think but I really wanna cosplay Croc 😅💕

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Haaveillaan isosta Star Guardian cosplayryhmästä Desuconiin 2023! Toverit ja mutuaalit, heittäkää viestiä jos haluutte joinata. ✨️✨️

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What a con, huh?
- Captain, it's Saturday

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Me and Kate gonna show up as these totally good (bad) boys today!

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"What are you gonna cosplay at Desucon"

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Ahhh these arrived just in time for me to bring a few to desucon…!

I may also have a version with tassels at the bottom if I have time to assemble them 💕✨🌸

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Today was not the best day I've had, but at least I managed to draw some stickers things for Desucon's artist alley! Also Kate Bush because Wuthering Heights has been playing in my head all day.

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There will be 2 different charm designs (these two) and you can pre-order yours by DM:img me or you can come visit me at (Finland) to purchase yours! 💜

Charms are two sided clear acrylic charms

Price is 10€ (10,67usd) + shipping and I ship worldwide!

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Lady Cloud charm that I’ll be selling in Desucon during Sunday! ✨

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