Origins Appreciation Day 12-

I hope you know how amazing you are sir, because you make me and so many others smile. You're voice acting skills are crazy good, and you're just an absolute bean. I appreciate you so very much 💖💜

5 73

I love this man he makes me so happypypoypehjejf
He a good friend
I appreciate

6 78

Origins Appreciation—Day 12

i think you are an incredible person and content creator. I always fall in love with the characters you create and your voice acting is just wow! Thank you for being awesome❤️

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Day 12 of with for ur such an amazing voice actor and I always love the characters u play. The voices u have are just like HOW?! TEACH ME XD. Anyways. Thank u for the many smiles and for everything that u do. ❤️

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