diachika,,, omg first content in so long aaa;;;;; my beloved meow meows

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diachika💎🍊 brought to you by me listening to crj on repeat

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i know they have nothing but it's like a setsuayu diachika mix and i like it

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finally finished all the drawings so part2/3 - diachika 💎🍊

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redrew this to escape from inking the diachika comic i was working on haha;;;;;

14 31

밤이니까 조금 야한거 올려도 되겠지ㅎㅎ


13 27


같은 백허그 다른 느낌
연애 시작하면 다이아는 외로움 잘 탈 듯

14 24

다이치카 사복
둘이 여행간거 보고싶다

11 23

대학생이 된 후 도쿄에서 치카랑 동거하게 된 다이아

13 17

diachika time 🍊💖

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이 갭이 좋다

11 14

다이아 씨는, 언니네요.
동생이 되고 싶다고 생각한 적은 없었어요?
네? 저는 딱히 그런 생각은...
저는, 언니가 두 명이나 있어서 정말~ 다행이라고 생각해요. 하지만, 언니도 때로는 동생이 되고싶지 않을까, 라고 생각했어요.

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근대 신문사에서 일하는 치카다이치카 보고싶다

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So! Here's my fave DiaChika edit I ever have made <3

I did it for my boyfriend as a gift since Land of Fairies is his fave set!

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it's diachika again id k

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☆ 💎🍊 DiaChika Scouts - Train Dia 🍊💎☆

Let's go (lesbians)!!

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diachika for halloween which is technically today already hhh

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