Damos por concluido el reto " LAS LÁGRIMAS SON LLUVIA SOBRE EL POLVO DE LA TIERRA" en conmemoración del natalicio de Han sido unos maravillosos 4️⃣9️⃣ aportes. Les damos las gracias por acompañarnos y les emplazamos para el próximo reto. 🤗💙🌹🌹

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Ghost of Christmas past, as described by Dickens.
"like a child: yet not so like a child as like an old man"

I think MJ has done a fine job here. (Full prompt in alt text)

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'What greater gift than the love of a cat.'
-Charles Dickens.

🎨Philippe Mercier

31 203

" Aye. Never met a Paladin such as he, Richard Dickens. Never seen a man with such a Hardened Phallus, he did not just fooked them Goblin women but he, for the love of God! He didn't spare the Female Dragon with his mighty Lusty "Sword". You lot never seen such a Horny sight."

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We love this tropical beach scene, beautifully illustrated by Joanna Kerr for the cover of The Holiday Bookshop, written by Lucy Dickens.

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In 1824, due to dire family financial straits, Charles Dickens (aged 12) began manual labour in a blacking factory in London. His father, John Dickens, was committed to The Marshalsea Prison as a debtor. This experience would influence much of the literature of Charles Dickens.

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“Ella es el ornamento de su sexo.”
Charles Dickens.

27 222

"Please, sir, I want some more."

For we're celebrating Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. We recently acquired this manuscript that contains watercolours by Joseph "Kyd" of the Artful Dodger and Oliver Twist...amongst many others.

Who's your favourite character?

9 29

We have two author birthdays today, Laura Ingalls Wilder & Charles Dickens. Both had works adapted with Little House On The Prairie gracing Irish TV screens in the late '70s & early '80s https://t.co/uxuvGvJQB9 Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol is one of the most adapted works.

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Mr Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Present from A Christmas Carol by Mr C. Dickens. Illustrations by P J Lynch

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My version of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  
I’ve just listened to a very good episode of In Our Time with Melvyn Bragg on Radio 4. Melvyn and the panel discuss A Christmas Carol and the history of Dickens’ writing it.

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Our December Treasures on the theme of Christmas start with a copy of The Chimes, by Charles Dickens. It is beautifully illustrated by Coleraine artist, Hugh Thomson and is available to view in our Christmas display on the second floor

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A is the perfect place to gather for a story.

This illustration is from our copy of Little Dorritt by Charles Dickens.

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« The coachman » A 2019 that evokes for me a character from Stephenson or Dickens. Don’t know what the story is… Maybe some people in can tell me.

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DOTD - 12/09/1863 - Elizabeth Dickens. She was buried next to her husband in Highgate cemetery. CD composed the (less than fulsome) epitaph on the stone - "Here also lie the remains of Elizabeth Dickens,/ His wife,/ Who died September 12th 1863,/ Aged 73 years."

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I enjoyed hosting RATE YOUR STORY's Member Help Desk Session featuring Special Guest Nancy Churnin. I can't wait to read DEAR MR. DICKENS.

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The doors will be flying open tomorrow morning 5th May at 10am for Cricket Fine Art Gallery's first solo show of the year 'THE WAY I SEE IT' by Lucy Dickens.
The Artist will be in residence on Wed 5th and Thurs 6th May for all those who would like to meet the Lucy Dickens.

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“His name is Daniel, Daniel Dickens.”
I wanted just to draw Danny's parents with the teases of the manga 😭 but I don't know how to draw BABIES. Aaaa

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