Trump is tear gassing his own people.
America is crying.

Please RT my drawing.

19 27


Minorities too

a Hater
Who soon will be through

In 100 days
his fate will be sealed

👉Stripped of the power
He no longer will 👉wield


😷stay good & safe & healthy

27 30

Trump has placed a large fence around the White House. This way he can get used to what his life in prison will look like.

30 81

A refurbished German WW2 helmet in MAGA style. Fits exactly with America's new dictator . Please feel free to share; I would like him to see my drawing too.

222 430

We say no to . We need a real leader, not a Dear Leader.

0 1

Hmm? Is it or or

pssst.... WTG! for being prepared, and pissing the Dictator/King/Emperor off. I was impressed.

137 375

I heard of some Western States Pack today on twitter. I Got to thinking about making a nation flag for the three states :P

3 12

"Io sono il Capo delle Forze dell'Ordine americane..."
(Trump si dichiara Capo del Dipartimento di Giustizia. In democrazia, potere esecutivo e giudiziario DEVONO essere separati, sennò è una dittatura)

11 10

Idea! For $1 at the Dollar Store we can buy a bag of army men and we can give Mao Tse Trump his military parade.

2 3