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Dido makes a play for the NHS. Doctors to be downloaded to the app & you will only be able to see them in cyberspace after proving you're vaccinated.
#SocialistSunday #socialistart #torycorruption #toryshambles #Socialist #socialism @ElaineDyson1 #socialistcartoons #DidoHarding
Bob Moran on #DidoHarding #TestAndTrace #37Billion #Cronyvirus #COVID19 - https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6 - political cartoon gallery in London
Dave Brown's @Independent cartoon... #DidoHarding #TestAndTrace #37Billion #Cronyvirus #COVID19 - https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6 - political cartoon gallery in London
Tomorrow's @Independent cartoon... #DidoHarding #TestAndTrace #37Billion #Cronyvirus #COVID19
@MartinRowson Damn! I somehow missed the deadlines for both #DrawBorisJohnson and #DrawDidoHarding but here they are anyway!
#DrawDidoHarding #DrawTracknTrace #DrawSerco #DrawToryChumocracy
Sneaking in under the wire...
A very quick doodle for #DrawDidoHarding @MartinRowson #TrackandTrace #caricature #doodle #sketching
@JimMFelton Promoted for failure #DidoHarding promoted for lying #BorisHasFailedTheUK promoted for being a complete shit #DominicCunnings promoted for being a stooge #MichaelGove promoted for being a twat #JacobRichMaggot
Incredible #BorisJohnson /#Cummings & known failure #DidoHarding are *STILL* getting away with #ToryLiars pathetic excuse for #TestAndTrace system
Ludicrous #Quarantine policy, introduced far too late
#JohnsonMustGo #GTTO #Newsnight