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Diego Rodriguez Velázquez, Portrait of an Elderly Man, 17th century #harvardartmuseums #diegorodriguezvelázquez https://t.co/DeQAHUFYRp
Odin's Eye 1 & 2 from Bad Idea by Joshua Dysart, Thomas Giorello, Diego Rodriguez and Simon Bowland. I really like this book and if you like ultra violent, horror tinged fantasy you will too. #joshuadysart #thomasgiorello #diegorodriguez #simonbowland #odinseye #badideacomics
Diego Rodriguez Velázquez, Portrait of an Elderly Man, 17th century https://t.co/DeQAHUFYRp #diegorodriguezvelázquez #harvardartmuseums
Here's an image with a similar color scheme from @harvard_artbot: Portrait of an Elderly Man, Diego Rodriguez Velázquez, 17th century https://t.co/JwTkfPZIna #museumarchive #diegorodriguezvelázquez
Portrait of an Elderly Man, Diego Rodriguez Velázquez, 17th century https://t.co/DeQAHUFYRp #diegorodriguezvelázquez #harvardartmuseums
When a military squad is sent to hunt for #Oliver, he fights back against incredible odds, standing against his oppressors while inspiring his fellow soldiers to take action. Exciting story with great art and letters. Go read it! @garywhitta @DarickR #DiegoRodriguez @SimonBowland
Extrait d'une page de #HarbingerWarsBlackout avant et après colorisation ! Dessins par #TomasGiorello et couleurs par #DiegoRodriguez !
En librairie le 03 mai prochain ! #blisseditions #valiant
Deuxième partie du flipbook du #FreeComicBookDay avec le prologue inédit de Harbinger Wars: Blackout, qui sort la veille (le 03 mai).
➡️Scénario : #MattKindt, Dessin : #DougBraithwaite, Couleurs : #DiegoRodriguez
So glad I picked up #Oliver’s debut issue. @garywhitta has laid the groundwork for an intriguing story, and the art from @DarickR and #DiegoRodriguez is *beautifully* done. Feels like this tale is in very capable hands, and I look forward to following it. @ImageComics #comics