A girl in a steam / dieselpunk ish (?) fashion, on her portable player connected earphones.
Update from prev bust sketch wip😬

7 57

helped make his OC, diesel!

449 2777

Classic prank where you swap out the cool, advanced robot's slender body for a big, old diesel-guzzling model.

186 1090

DMがディーゼルエンジンであること (Diesel Motor)、Hは8気筒であること(アルファベットの8番目)、17は総排気量が17リットルであることを表しますw

201 756

What's a trilogy you think is underrated?

Mine'd'be the Riddick trilogy

Excellent, fun movies, and probably one of Vin Diesel's best role that he was born to play

If you've never played the tie in games Escape from Butcher Bay and Assault on Dark Athena, HIGHLY recommended!

3 26

Diesel punk odd-eyed girl

26 216

ディーゼルパンク dieselpunk

10 104

ディーゼルパンクオッドアイ Dieselpunk Odd Eye

7 108

迪塞尔 迪赛尔 디젤

54 298

Redid my Diesel 10 design so now him and lady both (in my universe) look like this instead of being given the option to have the 3rd human form with hair n stuff

2 4

Diesel 🐴
I don't know how often I'll draw him, but it's fun to have another character to play with.

3 21

DEATH BATTLE! Vin Diesel and his family VS Ring Man

3 23



1 22