Wanna do all his line, since I already sketched them long time ago.
1. Gutmon
2. Rammon
3. Goagomon

3 14

I always thought tha Patamon's line is a bit... don't suit him?
SO. I had fine answer for whole his line! And Tsukaimon too, of course!
So. For the begining.
Capybaramon. Champion)

41 122

Old version vs a bit remastered.
I think, Tyranomon deserve full line of evo. When I played digimon world in my childhood, i got him pretty often. So sweet boy!

7 28

Rookie digimon. Virus. Very gentle and kind digimon. His wings are to weak to fly, so he prefer to walk on his legs.

1 6

In-training digimon. Like to prank everybody, but really harmless.

2 5

Mysterious baby digimon. Always listening to everyone, seems like don't have its own will. But maybe it's just trying to learn as much as possible.

1 3

Grarmon. Rookie digimon. Virus. Playfull and cheerfull, always ready to go on some adventures. Sometimes gets reckless.

2 8

Horned baby digimon.
Though it has many horns, it is afraid of all in the world, so Horumon use his horns only for self protection.

1 4